Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day Twenty Three

I sit here, in the little off shoot from our living room we have dubbed the "reading room" and begin to think. I look like a struggling artist or perhaps a naive student in this dimly lit, pathetically furnished room. I have my cup of tea made with a tea bag that arrived today from my nearly psychic mother who some how knew I was getting a cold, and needed something warm. The tea bags were accompanied by an assortment of items almost as good as the hugs I am missing at home. An english puzzle book, nearly a commodity in Quebec, a few packsof gum, a bit of money (very appreciated when living on an allowance of 3 dollars a day) and safety pins rounded out the care package. I cannot thank my mother enough. This house has been compared to a frat house with the lack of personal space (which is a foreign concept in a house of 12), laundry every where and the wonderful randomness that manages to find its way on the the internets.

Our house suffered a saddening blow this week with the sudden departure of Arnaud. His skinny, white, nerdy behind is certainly missed from the complex group dynamic. We will be getting a replacment (who statistically has to be a francophone male, but we'll see) some time next week. Its a big topic of conversation in the house. How will the new person fit in? Will they think we are crazy? Will we scare them off? CAN we scare them off? We are constantly thinking of new ways to initiate him into our little family. Right now it is to blindfold everyone, have everyone except him take off the blind fold and lead him through an obsticle course. Hey, we had to do it.

This morning, we had our french class for all the poor little anglophones. Only four out of nine were awake, and the teacher was arriving in five minutes. We clearly had a crisis on our hands. So the obviouse solution was to walk into each room, and gently get them up for the day. But the more fun solution would be to each arm ourselves with a metal spoon and a large pot and stand in the hall way and CRASH the pots and SCREAM as loud as we could! Kellie came blundering out of the room (from the top bunk) a-cursing our existance.
It was a moment for this history books

Every day is a new adventure, so no worries.

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