Yesterday I got onto the bus at Acadian Bus Lines in Fredericton, and set out on the first leg of my six month journey. Luckily there was another travellor from the area going to Katimavik. Steven and I sat beside each other for the length of the 10 hour bus ride. It was long, but enjoyable for the most part. We found we had some things in common so we were able to chat. I feel like the ride would have been quite a bit shorter had it not been for the constant stops of the bus, dropping off packages and parcels. We were rather excited when we hit the Quebec border.
Finally we arrived at a bus station in Ste-Foy where we were greeted by people wearing the orange and green Katima-shirts. Steven and I had to part ways there since I was going to Quebec City and he was on his way to La Vie. In the rag tag group of exhausted but excited travellors, there were two others going to the same house as myself. Jeremie (which I spell wrong thanks to my limited knowledge of the use of accents) from Gatineau and Kurtis from Ottawa. Varying language barriers kept converstation to nods and hand gestures. I know very little, very broken French, but am still able to catch bits of conversation and at the very least embarasse myself at a minimum.
Once at the Katima-house (as marked by the Katima-van parked outside of it) we were greeted by 9 enthusiastic and interesting people. I know that we will have a good time together. In total there are six girls and five guys. Many different characters but a surprisingly good mesh between us all. Even though it was late, we all stayed up to chat and learn about eachother. After a while the less fool-hardy of us went to bed, while the others stayed up to play card and board games and try to pretend the french is not going to be a problem. There is one solid francophone, two or three bilinguals and the rest know little to no french. Quebec will be fun.
There is no wireless internet so I don't know how often I will get a chance to blog, but I will try to get on here often! The next few days we are here at the house, but soon we will get our work placements. I am very excited for that, but for now am content to chill with my new friends in the brightly painted house.
A new adventure everyday, No worries
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