Friday, December 10, 2010

Day Ninety Five

From where I sit at my work desk, I have a veiw of the high way that runs through the humble town of Vanderhoof. I am alone at work today as Reg, my boss and only co-worker, is out of the office today on other business. The highway I see before me is known as the "Highway of Tears." It has earned this name because of natives who would hitch hike from one town to the next and are picked up by shady characters. Vanderhoof is a town that has seen a lot of sorrow, but has a rising out look nonetheless. One of the main factors to this rising outlook is the organization I currently volunteer for.

It is called the Good Neighbour Commitee and it is doing a lot for this community. Right now I am in the "Neighbourhood Space" that the GNC set up as both headquarters for Volunteer Vanderhoof (which I set up the wiki for and also as a place for Youth to come after school. It is a safeplace where the kids trust Reg and can enjoy a cup of coffee, a game of pool and, on occasion, live music. The work being done by the GNC here at the Neighbourhood Space is obvious when you see how happy the kids are to come here and spend time with their freinds.

Vanderhoof is very small. In about 20 minutes you can walk from one end of the town clear to the other with no trouble. It is the sort of town where every one knows everyone else, and where every one drives Ford trucks. They are welcoming to Katimavik and are eager to have us help them in any way we can. We literally have people knocking on our door with volunteer opportunities. Literally.

Last night we got out and saw Mulan Jr. put on by the Vanderhoof's Children Theatre. It was the most adorable thing I think I have ever seen. And I actually saw a lot of theatre potential in a few of the kids. The little boy who played Mushoo, the little red dragon (DRAG-ON, not lizard, I don't do that tongue thing ssshhtthhh) made me crack up laughing more times than I could count. Also the little girl, who couldn't have been more than 12 who played Mulan had a voice that promised to develop into a beautiful singing voice. They are STARS! (As my PL, Melissa, would say)

That is about all I have to report on Vanderhoof as of yet. I will definitly try to keep up on this a little better.

Every day is a new adventure, so no worries.

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