Sunday, August 15, 2010

24 Days Before

Hello, and welcome to the first installment of what I hope to be a very successful Blog. I currently have 24 days until I board a bus that will take me into Quebec. I am starting to realize just what this experiance will mean. I am going to be leaving the house and city that I have grown up in. The houses, the familiar streets, the park, even the trees, I will miss all of this. But that fact does not change how I feel about my up coming departure. I have never been away from home for longer than a week at a time, so 6 months is a huge jump. Myself and ten other 17-21 year olds will be cooking and cleaning for ourselves for these six months. I have so many questions in my mind. Will I like the people? Will there be food for me to eat? Will they like me? Will I get a top bunk? These will all be quieted in time though. I know that once I arrive and we get the awkward ice breaking out of the way, Katimavik will be an unforgettable experiance. I have some freinds that have gone through or met through the program (as a billet house. PS. I encourage all of you to try and be a billet house for something at some point. The people you meet and the stories you hear are amazing!).

So, that being said, I hope this blog will keep you, my adoring fans (just kidding) up to date with my volunteer and independent experiance. Happy Reading!

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